Friday, January 17, 2014

Thought 8: Giddy up . . .

My mom was the all star, best room mother every year I was in school. She loved the holidays more than anyone and could throw the best parties. She was famous for wearing this bunny costume starting in my preschool years and every Easter season afterwards throughout her life. She even showed up at my Catholic school for the Easter party when I was about 8 years old wearing this costume. She was greeted by one of the nuns who told her that her costume was "highly inappropriate." Not much you can do while standing alone dressed as a pink bunny! 

The new year is here and I feel like I need to get back in gear! It was a busy and fun holiday season and I did not leave a lot of time for writing. I have 32 more blogs to write and 39 more weeks until the Chicago Marathon. So, I will start publishing a blog on every Friday morning, knowing there will be a week here and there when I will need more time. I work much better with deadlines. I will continue to work through different parts of my story and issues that affect me both past and present. However, I do want to lighten it up some as well. I'm actually not a very serious person! My hope is that this blog will not only give me the chance to learn more about myself and let some of my past go, but it will also touch someone else either through their running journey, personal journey, or maybe even both. 

A little update on my running . . . I am taking on the Atlanta Hot Chocolate 15K (9.2 miles) on January 26 and I am really excited. I would not be trying this without the encouragement of my dear friend Allison. Thank you! I have had some great long runs over the past few weeks and have even completed the 9.2 recently in 20 degree weather. Brrr! I also discovered over the holidays that I actually do enjoy running with another person thanks to my sister-in-law Tiffiny, who gives me so much inspiration and confidence. We ran a hilly 8 miles and talked the entire time. I didn't even notice that I wasn't taking walking breaks except to get some water every 2 miles. My time with my "coach" was invaluable to me and a big milestone in my running journey. I am going to start looking into a running group for when my weekend long runs start getting longer in April. My knee and lat band have started to give me some trouble so I bought a foam roller, as demonstrated by my favorite princess above. It has really helped me to stretch out the troubled areas and keep me going.

When I thought about new year's resolutions, I thought of the obvious. I want to stick to my running goals (just hoping and praying my body stays injury free). I want to cook more for my family and do better at encouraging my daughter to eat more of a variety of foods. I want more family time with Bob and Megan and make things like my phone and television a much smaller part of my day. All of these things are important. But, I want these to be year round goals and not just something I talk about at the start of the year.

Here is what it comes down to . . . I want to gallop more. Megan does a lot more galloping than walking and she always has a smile on her face. Maybe that's one of life secrets, we should do more galloping, skipping, hopping, and twirling. I am one that has always taken life too seriously and worried way too much. I think it has gotten worse over the years, especially in recent years. Maybe the missing piece is knowing when I need to gallop.

At the start of the year, I noticed a lot of people on social media picking a theme word for 2014 instead of formal resolutions. I like it and have jumped on the bandwagon. A dear friend of mine inspired me in the end and I love the idea of taking on a theme and incorporating it throughout all parts of my life. So, my word for 2014 is . . . . patience. I really want to be a more patient person about so many things, but most especially with myself. I put way too much pressure on myself, maybe even more so since my health has improved. I want to be a more patient mother and take a deep breath in the same way I try to teach my three-year-old as she learns to manage her emotions. There are so many things I want to do at home, professionally, in my community and beyond and I sometimes feel like I am catching up for lost time. Patience Susie, patience. I want to be more present in my life and take in the moments that are in front of me. I will explore this more as the weeks continue, but I just wanted to share my word for 2014 with everyone and I will let you know how it goes.

So, thanks for tuning in as I get this blog off the ground. It has been so good for me to start writing again. I come from a family of good writers and I like using this medium to share my thoughts and experiences. I do not plan on writing or thinking too far ahead. There are things I want to share with you, but I also want this to be about a journey and the thoughts and feelings that come up as the year unfolds. I will work hard not to take things too seriously and gallop as much as I can along the way. Giddy up 2014!

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